Last week I got married with respect to the himba tradition. 🎊 I introduced my girlfriend to the village. I’ve never seen Meme as excited as this day. They were so happy to meet her even if the mother of Meme said “your wife should have been Kazehirwa”. Nevertheless she accepted my girlfriend nicely. 😇 […]
[episode 14] Leaving
Months and visas follow one another. I reach the limit of what is tolerated by the government. I can feel sadness fall over me as I consider leaving. This feeling is shared with the villagers. We talk less, we are thoughtful.
[episode 13] Learning otjihimba language
Back in the village, I decide to start learning the language. I am the kind to make a six months silent retreat in a Tibetan temple. When arriving, I wanted to see how it is possible to communicate without a common language
[episode 12] Meeting wildlife
With the purchase of my car, I had offered the chief and his wife to drive them to Etosha, the great Namibian animal park.
[episode 11] Winter is coming
Winter is much more difficult to live, even more so because of Sakona’s mistake and the loss of stored grains. Sometimes, we have just one meal a day, only porridge. With drought increasing, there is less milk. So we have to adopt a slow rhythm waiting for the good season to come back.
[episode 10] How a woman push their belly after a pregnancy?
As I have decided to stop feeding the social network, I feel more and more cut off from the western world and I can live the daily life fully. First the solar rhythm. Activity starts at sunrise whatever the time may be. As early as four o’clock in the morning in some seasons. Sometimes we […]
[episode 9] How possible is two opposites cohabitation?
But my main question is still unanswered. Before leaving, I wondered how two cultures so different from one another could live together. In fact, the question was wrongly asked. The real question is: how does someone who can buy anything he wants, manage to live together with people who have nothing.
[episode 8] Who is the cleanest?
Respect can be shown in many different ways, some of which I could not imagine. Hygiene is one.
[episode 7] The day I get poisoned
Beyond the mistrust understandably linked to the presence of a stranger, I discover the effect of jealousy. An oshirumbu, which means red since a white man becomes red in the sun, is synonymous with wealth.
[episode 6] Pedophilia, espionage, nothing is spared
During the first weeks, I experiment what being a stranger represents and I can feel the mistrust of the local population. I am suspected of being a spy or a paedophile.